Campfire USA

Campfire USA

Gamma Phi Beta has a long history of outstanding philanthropic and community service. As an organization committed to women, we envision a community in which every girl and woman has the resiliency necessary to advance her own life and the lives of others. Our philanthropic activities aim to provide experiences and resources that build spiritual, mental and social resiliency in girls. Some philanthropic projects are fundraisers and others involve service. Many of our chapters do both while focusing as much as possible on the Sorority's international philanthropy, camping for girls.

Gamma Phi Beta supports camping for a variety of reasons:

Visionary Cause

While some philanthropy goes out of style, camping for girls adapts to the current needs of society. Recent studies have shed light on the positive benefits of camping experiences for children at risk. The future is in the hands of today's children.


Camping for girls can be adapted to meet the needs of current societal issues and concerns. Our collegiate and alumnae chapters may choose to support Camp Fire USA and/or other local camps that deal with specific issues, such as an abusive home or a disability.

Local Community Involvement

Every Gamma Phi Beta member or chapter can become involved in camping for girls. All communities offer camping experiences. Members and chapters may support a wide range of camps and campers with hands-on service or monetary gifts.

Preventative Programming

Unlike many philanthropic causes that address a problem, camping for girls is a proactive means to prevent problems. The wholesome, nurturing experience of camping for young girls can have a positive impact on lives during crucial formative years.

Women's Issue

Gamma Phi Beta's focus on camping for girls helps provide more dollars for girls' programs, which have always been under funded compared to camping programs for boys.

Environmental Appreciation

As our society becomes more urbanized, a camping experience may be the necessary link to nature for young girls. A portion of the Sorority's Philanthropic programs are funded by the Gamma Phi Beta Foundation . The Foundation also provides supplemental funding to enhance a chapter's financial gift to any local camp.